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Plain Charmer

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Christine67 | 11:18 Fri 02nd Aug 2024 | Food & Drink
13 Answers

Plain charmer



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Give us a clue then .... what's the question??

Is it me?

////  Is it me?  ////

Oi ..... get in line .... I was here first  :)

Pick me .... pick me  :)

from the OP's previous Qs "Plain charmer" is the clue.

smoothie ?

Well, there's nothing plain about me, so unfortunately I can't really help.

Well you are certainly unique

Well, chaps - I'm assuming that you are all charmers.  Do many of you have your own snakes?

I'm sure we all do.

Trouser variety.

Snakes? On AB?

No, on a plain.

Bryan Ferry


'smoothie' sounds good

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Plain Charmer

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