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Fao - The K M Players

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seekeerz | 00:15 Sat 03rd Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

Here are today's shaded clues for you -

13a A sideways walking, snapping crustacean (4)

14a ...later metal tacks used to fix bibs to aprons (4)

36a From a homophonic word for a bloom, in the sense ' the best part' (5)

20d ...a ships flag, smaller than the ensign, or a knave in cards (4)

I have abbr. all clues 



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00:22 Sat 03rd Aug 2024





Thanks Steff and good evening all.

13a. Crab

14a. Pins

36a. Flour ?

20d. Jack

Good Morning Everyone - had to look up flour!

ME (see flower): a fig. use as “best, prime” in “flour of wheat,” after Fr fleur de farine, lit., flower of meal

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Good morning, well done JJ and Hi twix ....these clues are getting more long-winded each time 😠

how are you, twix and how is Mrs Twix ?

Thanks steff!

Hi Steff and thanks for asking. I'm struggling at times, especially when Mrs. T is having one of her 'sundown' moments, which can be at any time of the day. She doesn't always recognise me and keeps going to the front door and calling for me, our daughter or her parents who died years ago. I must order a copy of DTC's book (although getting time to read it will be a challenge). Managed to get to a pub tonight to meet some of my friends and have a chat (I don't like using the phone too much due to my hearing problems, whereas face to face lets my lip read a bit !).

How are you keeping, especially as you are now in deep mid-winter?

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I'm keeping ok, thanks, winter hasn't been too dire, though we badly need more rain - well the farmers do.

Are you able to have some assistance to help you care for Mrs Twix - I know it's a very full time thing, looking after a partner with dementia, my Dad had Alzheimers and kept heading off in the middle of the night and the non-recognition is heartbreaking.

Im glad you were able to have a night out at the pub, talking with friends helps so much - all the best to both of you 😘

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Fao - The K M Players

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