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Camc Magazine August

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lindyloo1947 | 21:07 Fri 02nd Aug 2024 | Crosswords
8 Answers

I rarely have a problem with this crossword, but 55a is eluding me. I have c-q-r to fit in with "banquet" (lavish party). 55a is cringe with fear which should be "cower", but where have I gone wrong?




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what magazine is Camc ????

^^^ The Caravan and Motorhome Club magazine, I suspect

thanks Buenchico.



a large or lavish meal or social gathering.

"it is difficult to imagine the slim person going for a real blowout"

lindyloo1947 perhaps give more information, I've never heard of a magazine called Camc.  

^^^ SJ has the answer anyway, TW.

. . . and I stand by mine!

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Sorry my question wasn't worded correctly regarding the origin of the crossword. Thank you for all your comments. I would never have got that - it's slang!!

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Camc Magazine August

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