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Car Making Creaking, Knocking Noises Underneath

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Treacle71 | 07:03 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | Motoring
21 Answers

My 17 yo citroen C1 cool has started making creaking, clunking, knocking noises especially going over bumps in the road.  I find this particularly at the front passenger side underneath.  I called the RAC out, who inspected it with a torch.  He said there isn't anything hanging off but it could be suspension bushes and he told me to check it out with someone in case.  I took it to Kwik Fit who put my car up on their ramp.  He looked everywhere, shook the car side to side, greased it and said he couldn't find anything wrong.  He said all cars make creaking noises, but somehow I just get a very slight niggle that I am not convinced.  I am still driving it around and it still clunks over bumps.  I don't know what to do?



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I had a similar problem with my Volvo a few yearsa ago - a clicking noise on bumpy roads. I checked the rubber exhast pipe supports and anything else under the car that I could think of and came up with nothing. The car became due for service; in those days the service manager lived nearby and he usually dropped his car off at our house and took our car to the garage and...
07:17 Thu 01st Aug 2024
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Thank you all who have taken the time and trouble to answer xx

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Car Making Creaking, Knocking Noises Underneath

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