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Radio Times 32

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Pyxis | 14:14 Sat 03rd Aug 2024 | Crosswords
3 Answers

24 Across - School lesson with parent so non-U (5)

I assume the definition is 'School lesson', and have  -a-h-  so assume the answer is Maths with the indication 'parent' being the 'ma'.

I don't get how the 'non-U' indication fits the 'ths', though.

Can anybody explain this bit of the parsing, please?



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Maths - 'ma' (parent) + 'th(u)s' (so, non-U)
14:15 Sat 03rd Aug 2024

Maths - 'ma' (parent) + 'th(u)s' (so, non-U)

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Oh of course! I made the classic mistake of ignoring the 'so'! Silly me! 

Thank you very much! 

You're welcome 😊

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