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Good Morning Early Monday Birds!

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Smowball | 07:28 Mon 05th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
10 Answers

Good morning! Getting ready to check out of hotel and then the trek home. Had fun night here lastnight - bout 1am all the fire alarms went off! We all  appeared out of our rooms into the various hotel corridors, just looking at each other & trying to decide if it was real or a false alarm - it was so loud! After about 2 solid mins it stopped &  we all went bk to our rooms, where it did it a further 4 times for just a few seconds each time (we stayed in our rooms). Thought it 'Funny' this morn tho that not one person decided to run, seek help, or treat it as real - we all just stood there looking at each other gormlessly!!



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On your way home already Smow?  That's a short visit.  Is the hotel nice?  Good breakfast?

Nothing to report here, just another Monday morning

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Hi Barry - have been here since Friday so a long weekend. Would have loved to stay longer but son back at work today for a training week, so will hopefully be able to come back down soon & bring hubby with me.   
Breafasts here are pretty impressive tbh - a vast array of a cooked breakfast buffet plus all the toasts, pastries, cereals, fruits etc you can eat, plus tea, coffee, juice etc..... haven't eaten this morn yet tho.

How's the mother doing?  Hope she's getting some sleep.

The best breakfast I ever had wasn't in a hotel, it was in Greene King pub with rooms, cheap as chips, breakfast included.

All the cereals, superb freshly cooked breakfast with as much toast and hot drinks as you wanted.  Plus yoghurt concoctions, pastries, fruit and some sort of fruited bun/cake thing. Unbelievable value

Goodness, that visit  seems to have gone very fast, only feel like a day since we were reading you were on the train going down.

Hopefully you have spent lots of time cuddling little one. 

Not sure I would have been as relaxed having my sleep disturbed by alarms as you have been.

Have a good journey home.


Good morning folks, not much to report from this area, a breezy start but it is supposed to warm up later. Housework beckons this morning and mayby some garden sitting later if its pleasant enough

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Same sort of thing here Barry - this Premier Inn has a Brewers Fayre pub attached and that's what this sort of breakfast is like. Really generous amount for £10.50 I think it is - you can really fill your boots if you wanted to! Same for lunch yesterday, their Sunday Carvery - unlimited meat, veg, roasties etc for £11.99 I think.

Mum is doing pretty ok sleepwise - little Theo seems to be a fairly chilled baby and not a screamer! He wakes for feeding, feeds then goes straight back to sleep : )

I hope you have a better journey than on the way down!

Morning, pleased you had a good weekend, smow.  Shame your husband didn't go with you though.

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Good morning impatiens. Hope you are well? Still humid here but definitely a lot cloudier, so hoping travelling won't be too uncomfy, and that not too many cancellations! 

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Hi Naomi. Yep he wanted too, but just couldn't fit it in at that short notice but he's already planned work cover now to come down with me nxt time : )

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Good Morning Early Monday Birds!

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