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Biology Dissertation Help

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oliverstar | 13:16 Wed 21st Sep 2022 | Phrases & Sayings
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first thing you research about your dissertation topic and then write your dissertation assignment.
makes me wonder why you asked the question if you know the answer?
I feel a link coming on.....
yo are meant to write your own
start off with the textbook
If you are confused about where to begin your dissertation, You should begin by discussing your confusion with your supervisor and ask for advice on how to proceed.
There are many self help books and websites available for students writing either undergraduate or postgraduate dissertations.
You only have to search for them.
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I'm amazed the op has even reached the point of doing a disertation...
I agree with goodgoalie.
//I'm amazed the op has even reached the point of doing a disertation...//

Those were my thoughts too, hence I have them an ‘easy out’.
-- answer removed --

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