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Am I Right To Keep Worrying?

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abbeylee90 | 14:33 Tue 07th May 2024 | How it Works
73 Answers

While I took a dog to a coffi shop with me (from dogs home) a man walked past me with his dog and before I could do anything my dog had him by the back. I did an accident form explaining the incident. I've been informed that the owner has rung the home that and is taking his dog to the vet. I had a meeting with the manager as it has been said I broke the rules by taking him to a coffee shop which no one said about and I have seen other walkers in there before which I told them. The dog was a big bulldog which the manager gave out to me first time walking I clarified to her that I had never walked him. I had a meeting with her today and they're not banning me from walking but don't think it a good idea to walk for a few days and to call back in a few days to see what the outcome will be after the owner has been to the vet. It's my birthday and I'm so upset about this. Just been told there is going to be strict rules.



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Abbey, I hope   the news is good at 4 pm. I know from experience that some vets. (who are not as honest as the majority )can take advantage and charge when there is no obvious necessity.

I don't know if the dog that was attacked had any visible injuries, but there should be a second opinion by the centre's resident  vet , if there is any doubt of the report / charges claimed by the man's vet.






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Yes another volunteer, hopefully but if so it council's money anyway.

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I've spoken to the manager I can come but let staff pick for me.

I thought the manager already picked for you ( with the big bulldog)

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She did bit since incident stick to smaller dogs she said.

//I think Abbey means that the volunteer she contacted had had incidents before//

So the volunteer should be muzzled and on a leash?

There's something I'm not understanding, but, it's an Abbey postπŸ€”

My reply was to this, 1ozzy...


//Because I was scared and he had had incidents before.the//

..I'm so confused πŸ’«

 πŸ’« πŸ₯΄ 😫 

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The man said dog should be muzzled I seen him today and hasn't been muzzle trained yet.

Abbey Lee, when post after post is from readers saying theyre confused & dont understand you, & theyre trying to clarify basic information, it should show you that the way youre writing & responding is bad & not helping the matter at all.

If you want proper help, make a proper effort to be clear & understood, instead of just posting more rambling waffle with no punctuation, that just adds more confusion than it clears up!

This is abbey's way joko... it's more a thought shower/ mind dump than an attempt to write clearly. Yes she writes like a five year old but as we've been advising this for ages I doubt she is going to be able to do what you ask.

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I miss walking that dog and now I'm not allowed large bull breads πŸ˜”

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So they said before not forever but now they say they can't give me no bull breeds and I don't know when they will and it's been 3 months now there's one there I really want 😫

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