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Tls 1538 18 Ac Theatrical Entertainment, 1A Produced Cheaply Perhaps

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kennedyjp | 17:28 Mon 05th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
5 Answers

Theatrical entertainment 1A produced cheaply perhaps



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Sorry, but if we knew what 1a was, then we'd be in with a chance.

How many letters?

Threepenny Opera (Weill composition)

I googled and 1A clue is : Composer who sounds detestable (5)

Hi kennedyjp - as you can see, it's always nice to include the number of letters & to show any you've placed, so that people without the puzzle can more readily help 🙂

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Tls 1538 18 Ac Theatrical Entertainment, 1A Produced Cheaply Perhaps

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