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Ending In 'S' - Childrens Society - 30 Oct

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bluebell56 | 09:23 Tue 06th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

I have had this quiz for 3 months now and am completely stuck on the last two if anyone can help please.  Answers end in 'S' no letter count. They are No.35 Old word for a paper spill for lighting a pipe etc. No.91 Where 'Woofers' are on display. Thank you everyone.



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91 Crufts?

91 Crufts

35 Fidibus

Well done, Calibax. I've never heard of it.

Question Author

Thank you all. Why didn't I think of Crufts!  and a big well done Califax, Thank you.

You're welcome. Good luck!

Can you give details on how I can get a copy of this quiz please

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Ending In 'S' - Childrens Society - 30 Oct

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