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Good Morning Early Birds!

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Smowball | 08:08 Tue 06th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
12 Answers

So back home now! Had a wonderful weekend. Forgot just how busy seaside towns get during the summer months! Full of lots of families with young kids playing up &  drained looking parents dragging round their entire body  weight in buckets, spades, swimming gear, windbreakers etc etc........"but we're on holiday so we're going to enjoy it even if it kills us! ". lol...

Going to catch up on the washing and some household stuff this morn as weather looks like it could be the shock of another possibly dry week! Yes summer does look like it's finally arrived. 
What are we all up to??





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Morning smow, good to hear you had a lovely weekend.  Nothing out of the ordinary doing here today.  

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Morning Naomi : ) . I may have spoken too soon re the weather - it's suddenly gone very very cloudy lol. As long as I can get some washing out lol.  I like seeing washing on a line but my MIL refuses to have one lol - she  tumble dries EVERYTHING!! Even in summer. Dread to think what it costs! 

I tumble dry everything too. Any delays on the journey home, Smow?

Oops.  I tumbledry everything too, smow.  🫢

I'm with Smow, like everything dried on the line.  Only towels go in the tumble dryer to stop them going scratchy.

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Morning guys! I see we have more tumblerers lol! 

Yes,  journey home was a nightmare - got cab to station, then got 1st train ok. Got on the main one nxt, which takes over 3.5 hours, and after about 2 hours they announced that due to 'a build up of delays' this train would not now be stopping at any station apart from the final destination and the one coming up! Which meant it wasn't going to stop at the station where I needed to change for the final train! So I had to get off at nxt stop and do a different route back. Took almost  7 hours in total. Was VERY glad to get home in the end.

Morning Smow and everyone. It sounds like you had a fab weekend abd I am sure you loved all the cuddles.

Nowt special planned for today, the weather looks lovely this morning. We had an unexpected visitor yesterday, a friend of my husband who has moved to Wales. He had heard through the grapevine of OH illness and it was lovely to have a good natter and catch up. Thats the nice about good friends, you can automatically pick up where you left off

Have a lovely day y'all

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Morning Rosetta. Oh thats nice (your visitor). Very true what you say tho - with true friends you just pick up where you left off, knowing they are genuine. 

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Whose super - organised and has got tonight's dinner planned already?? 

I always have meals planned. Cod today

Me, me, me!  My husband is cooking!  Hows that for organisation?!

So pleased you had a good weekend Smow. despite the inconveniences.
I have just done something I though I could never do again - I've cut my own lawn. Bought a tiny Hyundai cordless mower with grass cutter. I did have to have a couple of breaks, but it's done.
Holiday makers everywhere in the season is exactly why we decamped from the IOW 20 years ago, then at the end of the season everything closes.
I think I'll just sit quietly and knit for the rest of the afternoon.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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