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Genius Crossword 254

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Matakari | 14:46 Mon 05th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
29 Answers

Good afternoon, a Genius that promises to be quite interesting as far as placing answers are concerned. Help with the following would be appreciated to see me through. Thanks in advance!

( PREAMBLE: Each entry begins with a different letter of the alphabet. Clues are arranged in an order which will indicate two three-letter words hidden in the grid. Solvers should submit these along with the grid entries.)

7 Ireland’s crisis about hosting a regressive brotherhood (11)
12 Deer trap: mostly hold off circling that (6)
16 Newspaper reports fellow accepting container with beers (10)
17 Bullock pushed into grotesque monied compound (8)
23 Some select fizz, after recalling fertility treatment (4)
24 Yard due to apprehend learner driver that’s crying (7)



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Matakari, sorry this one has been such a struggle.

3 Eggnog

25 Doeyed

21 Limelit

9 Bereft

I haven't got time to do all the parsing - and I'm sure you'll manage!

PS T is Tendinitis

25 should have been Doe-eyed, Doeeyed...

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Thanks, NACW, it's done!

Matakari, thanks - and a great relief! Next month's might be more your thing, I'm the eternal optimist...

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I’ve just reread my completed puzzle and realise that I’m not yet finished since I have to deal with finding two key words according to the preamble’s “ Clues are arranged in an order which will indicate two three-letter words hidden in the grid.” I’m at a loss not knowing exactly how to go about this. Any hints would be welcome! Thanks in advance!

Matakari, just jot down the initial letter of the answer to each clue - in the order given. The first one will be T, the next H. You will see a very common sentence emerging. There will be several gaps in it (indicating letters that have already been used, listed, so don't panic!). That should provide the information needed for the two words - and it shouldn't take long to then see them in the grid.

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Thanks again, NACW, I got the pangram and a quick glance at the grid revealed the two important words.

Thanks, Matakari. I'd have been really worried if it took you more than a minute or two after the step by step instructions! 

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Genius Crossword 254

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