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If They Really Did ….

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naomi24 | 17:15 Tue 06th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
7 Answers

.... walk among us ... and you could have a dinner date with a Chaser, who would you choose?  Darragh for me.  Clever, pleasant and interesting - and doesn't scrub up too badly either.



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Shaun, doesn't take himself too seriously, loves a laugh and a sing song.

Mr Sinha I think, quite amusing when he's not suited up for the telly.

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In Darragh's absence Shaun would be my second choice.  He makes me laugh.

It would have to be Shaun  ...  think he would be a thoughtful,
amusing date and we could exchange little ditties.

Jemmy - I love her hair, and I find intelligence very attractive.

Mark. I first saw him on the first series of 'Only Connect' when he was with the Rugby Players and he was very relateable and interesting.  I wouldn't really mind if he ate my dinner too!

I thought a chaser something to do with alcohol? 😜

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