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Different manufacturers of medication

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Jibergrt | 12:01 Sun 02nd Sep 2007 | Health & Fitness
3 Answers
I recently picked up a repeat prescripion and one of the items was in two boxes - made by different manufacturers. This means that with the one that I already have I now have three boxes of tablets by three different manufacturers. Now I know that in theory they should be the same, but ate they? Will there be any subtle differences?


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The active ingredients will be the same in every respect.
Hi Jilbergrt
Normally the reason for this is, drug companies are given the patent on a certain drug for a certain amount of time. After that, any company who manufactures the drug can distribute it on the market.
The company who held the original patent charges more for the drug.
The other ones are normally cheaper for the GP to prescribe but there really is no difference, just a bit confusing for the patient.
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Different manufacturers of medication

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