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Car Manufacturers Quiz

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jim49 | 09:45 Sat 11th Aug 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
16 Answers
Need lots of help I'm afraid! 9 still to go!
The answers are all car manufacturers.
2) A formal or solemn command (4)
9) Minute passage in school? The opposite! (7)
12) Lure ant into car (7)
20) Court twice - timeless (6)
21) Patch of ground for America (5) Could the answer be Lexus?
23) Examine accounts with no time limit (4) Could the answer be Audi?
24) Play with Greek letter missing the start (6)
25) The German end with learner inside (7)
27) Greek gold for novice queen (8)
Any help will be very gratefully received. Thank you.


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12. looks like an anagram of lureant=Renault
Question Author
Thanks katburd. I knew it was an anagram but I still couldn't work it out!
23 Audi (t)
Question Author
Thanks Fibonacci.
25 Der + aim + l - Daimler
21 Lotus Lot Us
you're welcome
24 Toy + (i)ota - Toyota
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Thank you again Fibonacci and also thanks to zebo, very clever.
20 Da(t)e + woo - Daewoo
27 Chrys + l (novice) er (queen) - Chrysler

chrys indicating gold or the colour of gold: chryselephantine ; chrysolite

[from Greek khrusos gold]
Could number 9 be Porsche ? minute passage = pore + sch for school.
9 ) Pore (minute opening in tissue) + sch (school) - Porsche ?
Question Author
Thank you everyone! It's finished now!
-- answer removed --

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Car Manufacturers Quiz

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