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douglas9401 | 12:43 Mon 05th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
3 Answers

Do they still exclude damage caused by riot and civil unrest?


Will there be selective government assistance for businesses affected by the recent kerfuffle?

Since any answers will only be a matter of opinion, loosely going along party lines as usual, I'll not hold anyone accountable if they turn out to be wrong. x



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The government can fund repairs by cutting free bus passes for pensioners and make them means tested like winter fuel allowance (for pensioners on pensions credit).

Just doing some simple maths this morning.
Savings to government by cutting winter fuel allowance to pensioners =
£1.5 billion.

Cost of accommodation for illegal immigrants is £8 million a day (BBC reported figure at end of 2023 so probably more now ).

So OAP’s going cold this winter will pay to for 188 hotel nights.

Cutting bus oases could pay for the damage and more hotel nights, so a double winner.

Doing the maths makes me a right wing extremist now I guess , according to Sir Starmer.

Will depend on the policy, but most will have a clause about acts of the far right hidden in the small print.

All insurance companies will try and get out of paying, no matter what. They want your money but never want to do the job you pay them for.

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