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Eye Crossword N0 784

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Matakari | 13:57 Wed 07th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
11 Answers

Good afternoon, help with the following would be appreciated, thank you.

5a Prick, at first somewhat rough, becomes demure (7) : ???D?S?
10a Public-spirited, one gets into kinky catsuit with left and right openings (10) : ??????S?I?
16a After large double, a bloke gets end away – beast! (5) : ????A
24a Adder, minute, say – a disappointing British seasonal event (10): ????E?????
4d Detached soldiers keep going after *** (9) : L?????A??:
20d The very old blokes' country (5) : ????N



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5a Prudish - 'p(rick; at first)' + 'rudish'
10a Altruistic - 'i' (one, in) anag 'catsuit' + 'l(eft) r(ight)' (openings)
16a Llama - 'l(arge x2) a ma(n; end away)'
24a Summertime - 'summer (adder) time (minute, say)'

20d Ye-men

5a p rudish

10a altruistic ...anagram catsuit i(one) L and R

16a l l ama(n)

24a summer time

4d rear guard

20d ye men

Question Author

Grateful for the help, Roslyn251254 and Lie-in King! The last three :

19 Faint insult about "Vacuous Davey!" (5) : ??D?Y          ( GIDDY )
21 Conservative leader sheer crap, as seen on TV (6) : C?E?R?  ( CLEARS )
24 Sex cut short – contraceptive leak (5) : S?I?L    ( SPILL )

19 & 24 look ok

21 cheers - c + anagram of sheer


27 Sunak's top tip is to be cushioned by fortune having done this electorally (4) L?S?

I'm trying to convince myself it's not LOST (S-Lot, anag)


It is lost 

S(unak) inside lot (fortune)


Thanks both


Morning, Matakari - I hope you're looking in again, checking on yesterday's answers? I am sure you were delighted to see Fieldfare in today Spectator, I know you like his puzzles. And you will perhaps be at an advantage - the theme has been used, at least once, before. 

16a. Llama

Welcome to AnswerBank, Lemonjoe.

It always pays to scroll down the answers prior to answering an older post.

You'll see 'Llama' had already been given twice.

Happy crosswording. 😊

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Eye Crossword N0 784

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