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JinnyJoan | 12:12 Wed 07th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
4 Answers

have just asked for an email to be sent and the lady - oh right away.  that's about 45 minutes ago.  will i have to wait longer - does  the email take that long or is the lady taking her time - thanks



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Lady is probably taking her time. Most people don't sit glued to their computer or phone. Sometimes if they get a lot, it can get overlooked.

She could put it in a folder with a load of emails all to be sent at a specific time. Unfortunately customer service is not much of a priority now. I am still waiting for a new insurance quote that was due for payment August 1

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should have let you know - I rang again and the lady said she sent it right away but last time I was with her it was an old email address she had so was able to give her new address and she sent it right away.

Glad it's sorted 

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