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Good Morning Thursday Birds!

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Smowball | 08:32 Thu 08th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
14 Answers

Just looking at Chatterbank posts - is there really only like 4 or 5 posts a day inbetween my GMEB posts?? We need more lol! Far more!  Am sure we've all got stuff to post/ask/laugh or moan about. Pretty sure I've got all of them lol.

Had a serious dilemma last night lol - went to make a cup of tea about 9pm and discovered that I had just ONE tea bag left! I had forgotten to pick some up when I was at shops earlier. Not sure if this had ever happened before - to be down to one tea bag. So my dilemma was do I drink it now, and go without when I wake up first thing, or do I save it till morning and go without now. MrSmows suggesting was  order some on Deliveroo and you can have both! lol. I said I'm not paying a stupid amount just to have a box of tea bags delivered! Then decided I would drive to local shops, but one of my cats thought otherwise and picked that exact second to get on my lap,which she rarely does, snuggle down and fall fast asleep. So..... I saved the tea bag till this morning and am savouring it now LOL. Looks like I'll be heading to shops in nxt hour or so to make sure that this disaster doesn't happen again!! lol.



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Morning all. Tesco delivers today, that's enough excitement for the day 

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Good morning Barry, my faithful GMEB pal!  I had this discussion about shopping deliveries the otherday with someone, ie who they use and why. I've used Morrisons for god knows how long, paying £8 per month for unlimited deliveries, rather than per delivery. Then I discovered that if you have Amazon Prime you can get free deliveries, as long as you spend a certain amount. So for the past few weeks I've done that, and the beauty is they deliver same day! 

Morning, I've never had shopping delivered. 

I've looked at Amazon for Morrisons but it looks very clunky and awkward.  Can't get my head round it.

I'm happy enough with Tesco, very rare that I don't get everything I order.

I spend a lot less shopping online 🙂

What is your day's excitement, naomi?

There's a lot I should be doing but whether much of it gets done remains to be seen, Barry.  I have days like that.  😂

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Good morning Naomi. I didn't used to get the shopping delivered(and I don't all the time now tbh). But when I had my accident a couple of years ago & fractured my spine it was just easier to get the bulkier  things delivered to the door  ie big boxes of cat food, cartons of milk etc etc. plus the time element obviously. I still go out and buy veg/salad/ bread fresh on whatever day we need it as we have an amazing little Turkish supermarket near us which has the freshest veg I've ever seen, and u can go in and literally just buy one tomato, or one onion. Fab shop! 

Just hanging some washing out to get the last of the sunshine before forecast rain.  Then dog-walking followed by the excitement of a supermarket shop!  Gosh!

This afternoon it hots up even more - we have 'coffee, tea and chat at church for anyone who wants to turn up.  I usually get on with a bit of organ practice afterwards.   😃 


Morning all.

Smow, I might of missed it, but did the AC unit you ordered for your son ever arrive? Though its cloudy this morning the forecast for the weekend is getting hotter.

Nowt happening today, mind you that is the same most days. Have a happy day everyone

Morning all, nothing much on the cards here for me today.
I don't use eough to have a shopping delivery these days, and I don't have a big enough fridge or freezer to be able to get say a couple of weeks shopping at a time. But I can honestly say I've never been down to my last teabag or spoonful of coffee.
I may pop to the library for the knitting session, but I honestly am not feeling it with this particular group. (If you know what I mean)
Have a good day all :)


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Morning jourdain - how long have you been playing the organ with your church then? Always looks incredibly difficult to master.

Rosetta - yes the AC did arrive , after me finding an amazing FB YODEL complaints group, telling me to email the CEO of YODEL direct, and giving me an email address!! I said this won't work in a million years - I had a reply from his secretary within the hour and it was delivered within 3 hours! Just couldn't believe it!

Hi ferlew - so you're still sticking it out with the knitting group! Good on you!

Naomi - you just have a chilled out day if thats what you fancy x

Hi Smow, just back after shopping, organ practice etc...  The organ bit was accidental really.  We had a wonderful organist (professional musician) but she, very sadly, died during the pandemic (not Covid).  At first we weren't allowed to sing in church but after that it was a problem and our 1901 pipe organ wasn't sounding too good because it hadn't been played, so....

I stopped piano lessons in 1963! But I've sung in choirs (alto) all my life,so I retained the ability to read music and I started just by giving the start note and leading the singing.  One thing led to another and last month I actually got paid for playing at a funeral!!!  I'm a lot slower to learn because of slower eye/brain/finger co-ordination, but given time I can generally get there - and the instruction everyone knows is 'Keep on Singing! - I'll catch you up!'   :)

That's amazing, Jourdain.  I hadn't played piano for many years and although I can still read music when I sat in front of my neighbour's piano I hadn't a clue.   

Barry - I did have a small keyboard that OH and I used to get start notes and practice parts for singing - he was a wonderful bass and used to sing with a Welsh M.V. choir; in fact that was how we met - in a choir.  :)

If you can access a keyboard - have a go, find Middle C and it does come back, very slowly.  I was forced into action really. I'm still proud of being paid though - a new profession in my 70s was unexpected to say the least.   Mind you, I earned it -'Jerusalem' is NOT easy and is rather scary in case you get one of those huge chords wrong.

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Good Morning Thursday Birds!

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