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International Cat Day.

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sandyRoe | 11:20 Thu 08th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
18 Answers

If you're a cat person, or even if you're not, enjoy ICD.

My precious just broke the power cable to the ROKU device.  No telly for a day or two.  




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I just cropped it and changed the colours to make the background lighter.  She is a beautiful cat.
12:50 Thu 08th Aug 2024

My precious eats and sleeps...that's it. The joys of an antisocial mature moggie. 

Sandy, did you adopt the cat you had your eye on a few weeks ago? Pictures please!

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Yes.  I got DeeJay from the Cat's Protection League.  She's small for an adult cat and has already had a litter of kittens.

I'll try and put a picture up.

International Cat Day?  What about all the other days of the year?

naughty kitty !

are you one of those Cat-ladies that Trumps side kick was fuming at?

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This isn't a great photograph.  A black cat on a dark background probably wasn't the best idea.

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The cats of those cat ladies might yet tear his mascaraed eyes out.


This is one that I stole from Facebook.

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That's a much better photo.

My cleaner, Milagros, took it with her phone.

I just cropped it and changed the colours to make the background lighter.  She is a beautiful cat.

Last week I were housesitting at my Brothers 2 dogs 5 cats... but also asked to go feed Mums cat... how patient Sooty looks:

Oh she's gorgeous sandy. I have a real soft spot for black cats. Ex and I had a huge boy that we brought to the UK with us from the USA. He weighed a stone and liked to sit on our shoulders. 

Apparently one of the reasons people don't adopt black cats is because they are difficult to photograph 🙄

Arksided, cats are not normally known for their patience.  Sooty should learn how to scream loudly.

Wolf, Ten minutes prior to that photo, I was greeted at the front door meowing purring, rubbing himself around my ankles.
Then He went into living room meowing (summoning me to follow) I did then upstairs showing me that nobody's there... like he has done before. Then to the kitchen by his dishes I openend the back door put up Mums Abacus thing to keep flying stuff out.

Then I went to get my phone, knowing I was going to feed him... he waited, took pic, fed him.

Remembering lovely Lil cat (my Avatar) who had a happy, carefree life for 21 years. x 😻

Arksided, he just wanted you to know that he was all alone and nobody had fed him. 

I left my two on their own for a whole night once.  The place was trashed when I got home.  All the ornaments had committed suicide by leaping off the shelves.

I also got a long lecture, a very long lecture.🐈🐈😅

Awe that's dreams dashed thinking he was pleased to see me and allowed to treat him to some food.

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International Cat Day.

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