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Good Morning Friday Birds!

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Smowball | 08:36 Fri 09th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
32 Answers

It's almost the weekend!

Woke to to the mess of the neighbours unidentified cats being in the house again! I mean I know which 2 cats it is, I just don't know whose they are. So this morning I've come into the kitchen to find my large pot plant that's on kitchen windowsill above the sink is actually IN the  sink, upside down and with soil everywhere! Various bits that were on the side are on the floor, the kitchen mat is the other side of the room. 
I have caught these cats in my house several times - and in garden most days. I've tried almost everything, last thing being super soaker water pistols!! Which they do not like, but still come back! What the solution is I don't now - as my cats are scared of them and won't shoo them away : (

Looking great and dull here but is meant to be a real scorcher today and tomorrow - we shall see!!

Anyone got any weekend plans yet?x?




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"too breezy" lol

Good morning Smow and all.
It seems we have overcast mornings here the last few days, then really nice afternoons. So I might just do a spot of gardening before it gets too hot.
Got my shopping done yesterday as I was low on some bits.
Bummer about the cats Smow, hope you can get it sorted somehow.
Have a good day everyone :)


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Morning ferlew - yes you're spot on about the weather, that's exactly what it does here most days. Have got some online work to do, will get some washing on line inbetween and then think up what on earth to do for dinner this eve lol.

My tea is sorted, I bought some smoked haddock yesterday (not the yellow stuff) and there was too much for me, so I'll have the other half tonight. Easy.

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I need to eat more fish really lol.  Don't eat enough of it.

mmmm i might have kedgeree tonight


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Morning bednobs! Now Kedgeree I do like - haven't made that for a while . Mite have to do that over the weekend. 

i have some haddock in the freezer.  And i have 3 dozen eggs!  i'm going to do it i think, cause it's sw friendly too

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Ahh you following SW then?

husband is

I've had one of the catflaps that work by only letting in your microchipped cats for years.

Expensive but can recommend them. They keep all others out.

How did you get on at the hospital, Smow?

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Good Morning Friday Birds!

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