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Good Morning A Saturday Birds!

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Smowball | 08:03 Sat 10th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
27 Answers

Bright blue skies already and the look of a scorcher ahead today. In fact the whole weekend forecast for here in London is hot! Fab day for being lazy in garden. Will still have to think up dinner/s tho. I saw a funny  image online a while ago which roughly said 'Why did nobody tell me when I got married that I'd have to plan & cook dinner 365 days a year for the rest of my life!!?'. Made me laugh as it's not far from the truth! Unless you're my FIL - he ADORES cooking and spends every waking hour in his kitchen lol...

P.S. for Barry - in reply to your last comment on yesterday post which I've just seen, no I never managed to get the results I wanted(doc reckoned he hadn't received them!) so I made several fone calls to several depts & just hope I get them on Monday x





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I wish him well, Rosetta.  

Good morning Smow and all.
Healing wishes to Mr Rosetta, hope he gets back to normal soon.
Lovely sunny morning here in East Yorkshire, got the bedding out on the line.
My printer has just thrown a hissy fits and is adamant it has a paper jam!! I've had the ruddy thing apart and there is nothing in there. I've had it 8/9 years so I reckon it's time for a new one. Plus it's so heavy to drag in and out of it's place. I think a newer, slimmer model is needed.
Nothing much else to sort today, have a good day all :)

Morning everyone,  sitting on the balcony but it's cool and overcast in Birmingham,  hopefully better tomorrow.   The last few housemartins are zipping about they will be gone in a few days.  

Went to the farmers market this morning, Posey bread, heritage veggies, and some interesting coffee which I am trying as I type.  If I carry on like this people will think I am one of those well off pensioners..... I just prefer to support local producers when I can ( and my pension went in yesterday)

 All the best to you both Rosetta Xx

Good morning all. I'm finding it hard to believe in the promised heatwave. It's getting steadily colder here. On the subject of printers, I've just managed to stop mine printing five copies of all documents regardless of instructions.

Wishing your husband a good recovery, Rosetta

Good afternoon. It is an overcast but warm day in West Norfolk. I am at work but with nothing happening i can come on here, i hope there are some good subjects today.

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Good Morning A Saturday Birds!

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