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So Many People Losing Their Minds

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Clone | 16:45 Thu 08th Aug 2024 | News
31 Answers

Tory councillor wanting to burn down hotels and now Labour councillor wanting to do a bit of throat slashing.


How long for this pair?



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The Government need to take a step back and start to understand the underlying issues.



Has there been one Labour MP even mention/recogonise there is underlying issues?

Yes, Clone.  I've seen nothing to say that anything is in their minds except crushing the protests.  There have been so many individual interviews of ordinary, non-violent people commenting on the riots, who say time and again that illegal immigration and over-immigration is a threat to the indigenous population, but no-one seems to be listening to them.

It's ignored, jourdain, because those who think differently just wish the opposition would shut up and go away,  We have one here who's taken to referring to people who don't share his opinion as 'extremists', doubtless in the hope that for fear of being branded as such they will indeed shut up and go away.  He's sadly mistaken.  They won't.

The side-step most people including the MSM are doing is referring to the unrest as 'racial-hatred', whereas it isn't about racism or ethnicity, it's about the unchecked mass immigration of Muslims into Europe and Britain both of which have been, apart from a small amount of Jews, totally Christian societies and cultures for well over a thousand years.

Only one of the European leaders who has been aware of the danger and done something about it is Victor Orban of Hungary, for which he gets reviled and financially punished by the EU.


The situation well put here, i.m.o. ;

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Well put?

It starts ''The race riots in England''


A very interesting read.  Thank you Khandro.

 Clone (of whom are you a clone btw ?) 

//Well put? It starts ''The race riots in England''//

It may be stretching your intellectual faculties to read longer than 5 words, but the preamble in full is;

The race riots in England are not caused by a neo-Nazi "far right," but instead originate with deeply unpopular and unfair immigration policies.

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It may be stretching your intellectual faculties to read longer than 5 words, but the preamble in full is;



Oooh get her with her insults.

These are not race riots, if you think they are, perhaps you should question your own intelect.

Clone; Read my post above at 11:21.

I suppose he could have put the phrase in quotation marks, but I think he thought you would gather it was an irony, the real reason for the riots is clearly outlined in the article, in fact that's what it's about.

Apologies for the insults. 

Has the throat slasher been up before the beak yet - Starmer is fast-tracking such cases...

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