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Taylor Swift

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naomi24 | 08:27 Sat 10th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
31 Answers

Such a big star - but I've just realised I couldn't name a single one of her songs.  Not a clue.  How about you?



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I was wrong.    
Yoy don't have a better explaination.

Perhaps stick to beer in future, shandy even.

^ Daft old fool.


I don't get the big hoohah about her. I only know one song of hers, but as she's such a huge star I'd expect to know of a bit more. Is it a weird mass hysteria thing going on with young girls?

It was ever so, Cloverjo.

Elvis Presley, The Beatles, Bay City Rollers, Take That, some pasty blokes from Korea...

David Cassidy, David Soul.

The odd thing though is that all our examples are male.

Yep. The Beatles were really crap and only young girls screaming made them popular ??

She is very talented writer. Young girls like here but so do lots of others.   
If you don't like her don't listen. But don't slăg off her worldwide fans. Her Eras tour will make her a $bilionaire. Not bad for a mere songstess.

Who slagged off her worldwide fans? Her fans are mainly grown adults of both sexes not young girls. Young girls are into Ariane Grande if they're into female singers of that ilk at all.

I happen to know that 10cs is a bit of a swifty!

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