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Did You Vote Labour? Do You Have A Mortgage?

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ToraToraTora | 12:59 Sat 10th Aug 2024 | Politics
27 Answers

oops bit of an oggy if you did. 22% for the doctors is just the start. They'll all want some of that action, inflation will soar, so will interest rates. Anyone regretting voting Labour yet?



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Thank you Corby. Makes sense.

I voted for Reform.

I woulda voted Reform but the Tory was in danger of losing so I voted for him - he got in with a reduced majority.

Regarding your question to bednobs here's another

Yes ! starve the doctors - that will get them to work !

yest  more political gems from AB

new modz dont even go near TTT and Brexit - up to five threads a day at that time of nirvana - wall to wall essence of TTT

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Did You Vote Labour? Do You Have A Mortgage?

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