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Good Morning Monday Birds!

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Smowball | 08:48 Mon 12th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
6 Answers

Didn't realise the time! For some bizarre reason I thought it was much much earlier lol. Anyway, it's meant to hit 32 degrees here today but at this precise mo it's very cloudy. Have a busy day ahead with work stuff, then  waiting for a couple of parcels to arrive. MrSmow is a very keen user of Amazon Prime for deliveries and uses them for everything from house stuff to work orders, never had a prob, but in the 3 orders he's placed since fri, all 3 have been cancelled or delayed which is v v unusual for them.  Hopefully one will arrive today lol.

What do we all have planned for today then? X



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Morning Smow and all who follow. I've had a bit of a lie in this morning after a restless night, the lie in is quite unusual for me though the restless night isnt. 

We have a Tesco delivery due this morning and this evening we are expecting a long term friend to visit. I've not seen him since my son's  funeral so it will be nice to catch up.

WE dont have Prime, but usually Amazon orders are pretty reliable. Like your husband I use them for a lot of various items

Have a happy day y'all

Morning Smow, and ...... looks around.....anyone.
Just my Monday craft club today, the next two weeks are cancelled. One for a large funeral gathering and the other for bank holiday.
It's just been raining here, but it didn't last too long and the sun is out again.
Must call off to the cash machine and draw some money, gardener is due tomorrow and she likes to have cash.
In all the years I've been using Prime I don't think I've ever had an order cancelled.
Alexa says it could hit 30C here too,
Have a great day everyone :)

Morning Rosettta, your post wasn't there when I started to type. Shows how long i takes me. lol

Morning all.  I used to buy a lot of stuff from Amazon but find I can often get the same things much cheaper including delivery from the likes of B&Q, Very, Argos, PCWorld and even John Lewis.

Lots of thunder here today

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Hello guys lol! Yes a couple of friends who live further North have messaged to say they've had thunder & lightning already this morning. Here in London it's just melting hot at the mo. Need to go out to do several things but am going to try and leave it as late as I can to avoid middle of the day.

24 Degrees here in B&H now.

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Good Morning Monday Birds!

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