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This Could Be Heaven Or It Could Be Hell (Heage) 1/9

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poodledoo | 11:05 Tue 13th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

A song  with heaven or hell related word in the title, and the singer.

31)HOHW by P


34)EA by TP

36)Hby ES



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31 Hell or High Water by Passenger
11:18 Tue 13th Aug 2024


^^ that should be 36 of course!

36 Heaven  by Emeli Sande

31 Hell or High Water by Passenger


34 Earth Angel (will you be mine) by The Penguins?

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Thank you both.

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This Could Be Heaven Or It Could Be Hell (Heage) 1/9

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