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Should I Tell This Guys Sister That He Might Be A Pedophile?

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Cindy1302 | 18:54 Mon 12th Aug 2024 | Family & Relationships
23 Answers

I may have asked this before, but I can't find it in my questions, so maybe I havnt. There is this autistic guy who stays with my mom every Friday, and Saturday. He has been since 2011. Anyways, he used to like to message me on Facebook. That's where he did most his talking. He doesn't talk much in person. This was in 2013. For some reason he brought up that the youngest girl he dated was 11 years old. We were both 19 at the time. He may have been a minor himself when he dated her, I don't know. So I freaked out on him, and asked what was wrong with him. He didn't see what was wrong about it. I thought I did my due diligence by trying to convince him it was wrong. A couple of years ago I felt like I should tell his mother, who is his guardian. She said that she wished I would tell her sooner. I was worried because his sister has an 11 year old daughter who he's around often. I texted him, and asked him about it, and then I asked him if he knows what he did was wrong,s and he said yes. Then I felt like I should tell his sister. I don't know her well. She works at a store I frequent, and I say hi to her when I see her. I don't even know If she knows my name. Anyways, about a year ago I found her on fb, and told her. She hasn't even viewed the message, so I was thinking of going into her work, and telling her. Idk if that would be a good idea or not.



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Have none of you read scorpiojo's post @ 19;01, Mon 12 August. OP says in a previous post that the guy's sis thanked her for informing her. Now she's saying sis still doesn't know. Obviously a made up tale. OP definitely needs to be ignored. In my most humble of opinions, of course.

A good liar is one who can recall what lies he/she has told, so that he/she does not trip over them at a later date.

Well spotted Ken :)

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