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please fill out my business questionnaire

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kez09 | 21:07 Mon 28th Sep 2009 | Business
4 Answers
it is a questionnaire for homework on business chocolatiers. please fill it out.

1) Gender?

2) do you eat chocolate?

3) If so, how often do you purchase chocolate?

4)which leading chocolatiers do you like the best (cadburys, thorntons, lindt etc)?

5) Which type of chocolate do you prefer (Milk, dark, white, flavored etc)?

6) Which filling would you most like in chocolate (orange, Fruit, nut, caramel, toffee, fudge, raisin etc)?

7) Would you prefer to be able to have your product personalised for a special occasion (e.g. a cake with a personal greeting)?

8) Would you attend a chocolate tasting event?

9) Do you like organic chocolate?

10) Would you be willing to use a service that provides all or some of the above?

11) What price would you be willing to pay for a box of 16 different chocolates?

12) Would go use a Chocolate service like this one if it was based in islington?

13) any other ideas or suggestions for a chocolatier business.


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1) Female
2) Yep
3) a couple of times a week
4) Cadbury's
5) Dark or milk, don't like white or flavoured
6) None
7) yeah
8) Yep probably
9) Never tried any
10) yes
11) less than a fiver
12) nope - too far
13) none!
-- answer removed --
About once a month
Love Hotel Chocolat, also use other online chocolatiers
Dark chocolate
Love truffles with an alcoholic filling
I think this would be a nice gift for someone and I would definately consider if it was a for a birthday gift
Yes if it was local to me
I would not pay extra for organic chocolate
Yes I would
I pay around £18 at the moment for a box of about 24 truffles, would be happy to go up to £30 for something extra special.
I would be happy to use any good online chocolatier regardless of where they are based.
I think the personalised cake idea is lovely, how about other gifts such as wine or flowers? Also perhaps some savory chocolate gifts?

To better understand your needs and provide tailored solutions, please take a moment to fill out my business questionnaire. Your insights will help me improve my services and deliver exactly what you're looking for. Your feedback is invaluable, and I appreciate your time and effort in completing this brief survey. Together, we can create something truly impactful. Visit;to access the questionnaire. Thank you for your cooperation!

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