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Pendleside Film Dingbats 7/9

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Bows48 | 21:38 Wed 14th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers

1 Secret.   Lies

   Secret.   Lies

   Secret    Lies

4 A.        Bar

   B.         Bar this is underlines

   C.          Bar

    D.         Bar

    E.          Bar

7.            Tropic


17. Red Rum I'm made of iron


im made from yew.   Arrow Desert Orchid 

18     Written


23     FeMale

35 kitchen at top of square

any help please



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1 Secrets and lies?

4 Barbie

1 Secrets & Lies ??

7 Tropic th under 

17 The Iron Horse?

18 Written on the wind 

23 Iron Man

35 The Kitchen??

Sorry, didn't see the second part of 17.

...The Wooden horse?

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Thank you all for your answers

35 Room at The Top?

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Pendleside Film Dingbats 7/9

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