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douglas9401 | 22:39 Fri 02nd Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
19 Answers

'Absence makes the heart grow fonder' never rocked up here on a Friday night.

The cloying self-righteousness is actually making me gag.



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Have a night off then...

Log off, no point making yourself gag

Anything in particular, or just your usual moaning and groaning?

I don't really care to be honest, so feel free not to reply!

Question Author

It's the comedy gold that holds me here.

To me, to you, etc.

Question Author

Or maybe moths to a flame?

douglas - Not for the first time, I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about ...

Probably for the best ...

I don't really care to be honest, so feel free not to reply!

so why post then? - answer - because this is AB !

oh, Hinks and Bayley ....

I have no idea what you are talking about either PP, and care equally to know ...

Have they gone yet?

Hinks and Bayley are creditted with first saying it

Honestly ( as I frequently point out to the editor in slightly more down to earth terms -address available at Editors blog) mods can be durrs at times! sheesh

Nope, still nothing ....

Never mind - moving on ...

Hinks and Bayley are creditted with first saying it

have I just identified someone who said a thing first ( hinks , Bailey) and a mod has commented - foo what dat den? who say dat ?

AB flying the  flag again !


Peter - Any and all posts by Moderators are posted in their personas as AB'ers like anyone else, unless otherwise advised.

Please ensure that you respond appropriately to an AB'er who is not acting in a Mod capacity.

Thank you.


How strange that Andy made four posts over two days just to say he neither knows or cares about what is being said.

Mozz - // How strange that Andy made four posts over two days just to say he neither knows or cares about what is being said. //

It's all part of my desparate need for as much attention as I can get, from absolutely anywhere.

Delighted to see it's working so well!!!!!!!

-- answer removed --

Andie 22.24 makes no sense at all

First para  - He doesnt care what is written lackaday andie !

Second para - he is desparate to be read - so er he DOES care what is written.....

AB on a wed !

Peter - You don't do irony, do you.

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