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Why Would Anyone Buy Plastic Clothes Pegs?

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sandyRoe | 16:25 Wed 14th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
44 Answers

They get brittle after a while on the clothes line and when broken are a source of pollution.

Wouldn't wooden ones win in a comparison test?



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Fancy geting hung up on pegs
19:18 Wed 14th Aug 2024

A policeman from Banbury Junction

Had a willy which just wouldn't function

This fact from his wife

He concealed all his life

By intelligent use of his truncheon


I still use wooden "dolly" pegs from my mother plus those of  my grandmother (born 1903). They both used these pegs for most of their lives.

One of my grandmother's pegs has been reinforced with wire, probably done by my grandfather.

beso, I remember my Mum using those (in the late 1940s).

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