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Does Anyone . . .

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Buenchico | 21:06 Thu 15th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
15 Answers

. . . fancy going?


I think that if I was much younger (and, of course, much wealthier!) I might be tempted.  The scenery certainly looks impressive!



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I'll go anywhere if it is interesting so yes.
21:14 Thu 15th Aug 2024

What could possibly go wrong?

That's the PM's holiday destination sorted.

I'll go anywhere if it is interesting so yes.

First cussie is to visit there will be Kier Jong-Un

Getting back out again might be the problem.

You Tories are still unbelievably bitter about your overwhelming rejection by the country.  However would you please refrain from polluting irrelevant threads, it's getting very tiresome.

"You Tories are still unbelievably bitter about your overwhelming rejection by the country." - Kneel Jong Un got fewer votes than agent cob.

be warned, K J-U hates canaries. He eats them...gizzards n-all and 18 in one sitting.

It looks beautiful and unspoilt...soon to be ruined by the 400(!!?)new buildings being constructed. 

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^^^ They possibly need a few more hotels though, Pasta.  Just one does seem to be somewhat insufficient for a tourist destination!

I can remember when China had only a couple of tourist hotels in towns. The first one  we visited, the builder was still trying to figure out how to put a roll of loo paper on the spindle. You have to start small.

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^^^ Be careful, Jno!

You might restart the debate about whether the end of the paper should hang 'over' or 'under' the roll.  It's an issue that some ABers can get VERY passionate about!


It's UNDER of course!

A friend used to stay occasionally and always turned it to OVER, I always put it back to UNDER at my next visit.😀

It's over of course!

The only times it goes under is when you wipe with it and then flush.

Oh, some people, shakes head in disbelief 😏😒

Michael Palin's travelogue was quite revealing. The place seems like a huge prison camp with big divisions between the haves (authorities/police/military) and the have-nots (the starving underdog populace).

I won't be going. Maybe fans of Orwell's "1984" might be interested.

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