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Dudley Zoo

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nailedit | 18:39 Wed 14th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

Does anyone know if you can pay at the gate?

On the tickets section of their website but can't find a gate price, all pay online prices.




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I might be missing something (apart from a brain cell...)

Yup, same info here:
"If you need to purchase tickets we recommend using our online booking system, especially during busy periods, but you can pay on the day if you prefer"

The chairlift is working, nailedit

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Thanks for replies. Must of been word blind when I read my own link 😂

However, having reread it, it doesnt say how much the gate price is. Invariably, the gate price is always more than online booking.

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Barry, I HATE  chairlifts...

Ride rollar coasters all day long but put me in a chairlift and Im bricking it 😂

Wuss.  You should go on the one at Llandudno 

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//Wuss.  You should go on the one at Llandudno//


Once went on the cable cars at Alton Towers many years ago (against my will...) and the bloody thing broke down. Left hanging over an hour. Terrified me. Got going again, got off and started riding the coasters. Dont know what it is with cable cars/chairlifts. Just can't hack them!!

When are you going to the zoo?

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barry, looking for somewhere for a day out on Saturday that isnt too far from home, so just trying to get some prices for attractions near too.

Asking about Dudley zoo because I took my son there when he was a kid and he loved it, so was thinking about my granddaughter.

I still love it

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Dudley Zoo

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