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Two Tier Sentencing Again

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webbo3 | 13:22 Thu 15th Aug 2024 | News
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\\A young man from Bristol has been found guilty of sharing videos that glorified the so-called Islamic State (IS) terrorist network on an encrypted Telegram chat group. Faseh Sajid was just 18 when he started to post terrorist videos featuring armed IS fighters and executions, the Old Bailey was told.//

\\The court heard how the defendant had joined a Telegram chat group in February 2022 using the pseudonym John Ross. When questioned by another user about his choice of a non-Muslim name, he allegedly replied: "Not tryna get arrested."//

Looks like he knew what he was doing.

Sajid is set for sentencing at the same court on Friday, September 13.

all those involved in the recent  troubles straight to prison, especially if you are a white man.





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Could the difference be that the authorities want to nip the rioting in the bud?  Sentences handed out so quickly will make many potential rioters think twice.

There's no urgency now with the Isis supporter.

He hasn't even been sentenced yet, so I don't really understand how it is two tier sentencing.

No other cases have been rushed through the courts, regardless of their offense, seriousness and particularly (as you mentioned it) race. The rioters have been made an example of, in order to make other thugs think twice over offending and hopefully put and end to the riots. It seems to have worked, given the fact no new demonstrations have been reported for a while now.

Good news all round. I hope they use the same tactics next time a demonstration turns violent, not matter who the thugs are supporting or what they look like.

Yeah, that would be anticipating. Maybe revisit 14th Sept. ?

also, are you really moaning that some people have waited 2 weeks to be sentenced, when this person will wait 4?  That really is nitpicking

His offences came to light in 2022. He plead not guilty and his trial was at the Old Bailey, with a jury. In no way can the trial and sentencing be compared with the current cases, but don't let that stop certain people airing their prejudices.

We only need to wait till the next Gaza demo or BLM protest to test whether two tier sentencing is actually happening.

^ and whether any charges are made convcerning the Harehills rioting. Although maybe that has been decided as a legitimate protest/ right sort of protestor  as the social services gave in and gave the protestors what they wanted- ie gave the child back

Clearly a city with problems though. One wonders why authorities let it deteriorate so.


"Officers are discouraged from referring to “gangs” when describing violent groups because of concerns it infers they’re predominantly from black or ethnic minority backgrounds."


Bless. Wooly thinkers still abound.

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