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gold jewellery

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emmie | 10:42 Wed 15th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
i had some little pieces of gold jewellery i no longer wear, so took it to a local jewellers to see if it was worth selling, i had no idea, never done this before.
I was told the following, that i could have a cash sum of £175.00 or a credit note to the value of £265.00, but that meant spending all of it in the jewellers. Does that seem strange to you. I didn't sell it to them, but took it elsewhere, where i got a good deal more.


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They can do that if they wish, it's just to generate more rade for themselves, but sensible to go elsewhere imho.
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my mother thought it was a swizz, have to say so did i.
One of those times when there is no substitute for shopping around
love your avitar em are they both yours?
A lot of the malls have gold buyers that give good prices. Gold has a certain value and it should be calculated according to the days trading rate. Then it depends on the carat of the gold and usually the deduct something for smelting. Then you have the old gold rate as opposed to buying a piece of jewelry for a shop.
I did the same - had a few odd earrings and a small bracelet I didnt like - They gave me £154. Was well chuffed
I don't think it's a swizz, I think it's fair - the cash would be the rate on that day per ounce for gold, but the credit note would mean you could exchange it for something from that shop. Quite a good plan on their part, I think.
Where I went they took my photo as well, I guess to ensure that if the same people keep coming in with "their jewellery" then that can see if anything untoward is going on
I took a mix of gold and silver to a place in the jewellery quarter... got £410 and there seemed next to nothing they also advised me to have a couple of rings I'd taken to scrap repaired to sell as complete items as they would be worth more that way...
Our local jeweller offered 'their' rate as opposed to 'the' rate for the day. We ended up getting a much better rate dealing direct with a company in Hatton Garden. Best to shop (google) around....
I have not used them..but was under the impression that for small transactions,these places offer "scrap value",on gold etc..
Scrap value still has a formula work calculating what you get. Gold is gold and has a high value at present. Pure gold is 24ct and just as a figure if gold is at $10 per gram and you sell 10 grms of pure gold you will get $240. If you sell 10grms of 9ct gold you will get approximatly $90.00 If 18ct then $180.00
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