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Gold Jewellery

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ferlew | 20:02 Tue 03rd Sep 2013 | How it Works
4 Answers
I have quite a bit of decent quality yellow gold jewellery, however, the past few years I have been favouring white gold.
Is it at all possible to have all my yellow stuff plated white? TIA.


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Hi ferlew, check the bottom paragraph on this link.
I enquired with a jeweller about this but he said with rings and other things that you wear a lot, the plating would just rub off, but it would be more suitable for things you wear less often such as ear-rings.
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This would be my 'high days and holidays' jewellery, not my everyday stuff, so deff doable from your replies.
Maybe one set at a time.
There is a jobbing jeweler in the nearest town, so will make enquiries, thank you so much Tonyav and Soapnumpty.
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