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Why are MBA's so damn expensive?

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dave_c | 15:45 Thu 27th Jan 2005 | Jobs & Education
5 Answers
Why are MBA's so expensive? 


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people who run them are normally extremely well qualified

ah, but qualified doesn't necessarily mean competent!


Unless the person running the MBA course has practical experience (as opposed to just theoretical knowledge) I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole. 


Ask the college for a full industry bio on each member the lecturing team before you shell out any hard earned dosh. 


Or go for the OU MBA instead. It may take you a bit longer, but at least you know the lecturers are all from the real world of industry and commerce!

I agree ursula62, but the OU MBA doesn't have the international recognition yet that would really make a viable option for someone interested in using the MBA as an international "selling-tool".
Also, in response to your question dave_c, MBA's are seen as being desirable, and there is a large market for them.  Therefore, it is easy to raise the price consistent with demand.  One further point of note is that many companies will pay for their employees to study, and the employer wallet is larger than the employee, therefore a higher price wouldn't deter potential students.
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