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Good Morning Early Birds - Sorry For Absence X

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Smowball | 06:46 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
19 Answers

Thanku so much calda49 for your post asking if I was ok, and everyone who commented - so much appreciated. 
After  I last posted I started to get a splitting headache, followed very rapidly by vomiting on and off for well over 24 hours. Didn't leave bedroom/ sick bowl till late lastnight (apart from bathroom). Nailedit managed to get hold of me v late lastnight when I was just starting to feel slightly human, and let me know you'd be asking how I was. 
Well I still have slight headache but am much better and hopefully seen the last of that! Hope I didn't miss anything too exciting!??



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Glad to hear you're so much better Smow, I hope the improvement cntinues.


So pleased to see you posting Smow and glad you're feeling better.  Any idea what caused your illness?

That sounds like a very nasty migraine, take it easy and hopefully be well for the weekend.


Morning Smow and all.

Have you had your test results yet?

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Thank you so much everyone - really appreciated x

ubassea - I used to have bad migraines years ago but then they just stopped, then when these dreadful headaches started a few months ago, lasting 3 days at a time, my doctors diagnosed temporal artritis(easier to a google than me explain) but admitted that they don't generally come with vomiting, so bit baffled  really. Sounds dramatic but personally I can't think of anything much worse to have(/that isn't a serious illness)  than a severe headache - you cannot detach yourself from it, it affects every single movement, even moving your eyes. 

Tests results - nope! I have had a row with my doctors surgery saying I find it impossible to believe that they do not have scan results frommover 2 weeks ago when on the day I had the scan I was told the results would be on the hospital system available for doctor/to look at. So that's todays battle round 4.....

That's not good, Smow.  Hope you get good news today

I googled it Smow, sounds awful, do you get many of the systems?  I am living with double vision, which is solved by prisms when wearing my glasses. Along with the dizziness when I move my head too quickly and that is bad enough.

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I actually have practically all of the symptoms, which is why he put me on such high doses of steriods. Trouble is I would never have believed that they really did cause weight gain until he put me on them. To say I was shocked is an understatement. : (

Double vision sounds v frustrating/ unpleasant.

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On the plus side - it's a great diet! 
Serously tho - how do things build up housework wise so quickly?? Just a couple of days and all I can see is things to do.....

Morning Smo - so sorry you've been so poorly.  I do hope you feel better soon  and get some idea about what caused all this.  X

Glad to hear you are feeling a tad better Smow.
Nice bright morning here in East Yorkshire, nothing much on the cards for me other than a visit to a local wool shop a couple of villages away.
I had that condition at the beginning of the year, and was on steroids for ages too. The only thing that stopped me putting on so much weight was that the condition actually almost locked my jaw shut, hence on was only able to  take liquids or real sloppy food.
Anyway, hope the healing continues for you.
Have a good day folks.

Glad you are feeling better. Y

ou are missed!!! As you were saying about the lack of people taking part. I will try to post every day, (not always early as I sometimes have a lie in!). Had a terrible day yesterday which ended up with me having to visit the bank in the pouring rain and having to have a new crecit card as someone had tried to use mine on line. Of course when I get the new one I am going to have to sit and change various accounts on line, which will be a pain in the _ _ _ _.  Anyway glad to have you back and don't work too hard, the housework will still be there tomorrow!



Good to see you posting again, Smow, and hope you are soon back to feeling 100% or thereabouts.  Re test results, think this is the fault of secretarial admin .. I had a scan reported on same day and report sent to Consultant - however, the typed report hadn't been received for over five weeks to GP and myself.  Part-time secretaries in a typing pool could be the cause.

Apologies Smow, I've not been following your posts, but I'm glad you're feeling better for now x

So glad you're ok Smow. You mention housework. What's that????😂

I am glad you are feeling a wee bit better Smow, you should take it easy for a day or so, the housework can wait. 

So glad yu are feeling better now. x

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