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Are Some Cats Evil By Nature?

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piggynose | 09:11 Tue 13th Aug 2024 | Animals & Nature
28 Answers

I ask because i have seen 2 dogs in the space of 12 months act as if they had seen a lion!!

First example was a year ago, while sitting ouside a roadside cafe i saw a car pull up, a couple got out with a small dog, they sat at a table ordered something, the dog was under their table, everything seemed ok, then out of the blue a cat appeared, the dog which was off its leash, acted as if it had seen a ghost or lion, it legged it, sadly into the road and got run over. I then saw the car driver get out apologising and the owners picking up this lifeless dog!

Yesterday, whilst out walking near my home, i saw a couple walking their alsation, everything seemed ok, until the next minute the dog started barking and whimpering, when i turned around to see what was all the commotion about, there was a cat with its back arched and growling not meeowing! the owners within seconds ushered their dog away!! who by this time was a whimpering wreck!!!




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//Nailedit - humans and chimps are dangerous animals.  They are my least favourite animals//

There used to be an exhibit in a zoo in new york (I think) back in the 60's. It said the most dangerous animal in the world. When you looked in to the cage it was a mirror.

nailedit - it is true.   We know better but some of us are still evil.

Absolutely wolf.

(I adore chimps though 😁)

My sister had a cat that terrorised the neighbourhood,  a bloke who lived near her wouldn't risk his rotties near Miss Tabbs,  they were asked to keep her in the garden when she went for a horse.... She isn't the only one  I knew of like that.  I had Tinkabella Pixiepaws aka Psychopuss.   No dog walked past unless it was being protected by it owner... 

Awe bless, being a guardian.

Cats are, Eeeevil... Eeeevil.


Not for nothing do you see them travelling on broomsticks with witches.

But the cat thinks the witch is HIS familiar.

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