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Local Quiz On Capital Cities 13.9.24

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newbie20 | 18:53 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers

2 Where's the nearest capital city to the "Tiger's Nest" 6

12. Only winter olympics  held in a communist country before 2022. 6

16 Smallest capital, by population, in the Americas 8

18. Which capital is nearest Kolkata 5

MAny thanks for any help



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12 Sarajevo 1984

16 Basseterre? (St Kitts and Nevis)

18 Dhaka (Bangladesh)?

12 sorry it's Bosnia

2.  Capital of Bhutan is Thimphu but 7 letters  ??

I hadn't noticed the letter counts - so Basseterre must be wrong

^^ ? Belmopan

Belmopan looks good

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Local Quiz On Capital Cities 13.9.24

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