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Luton Airport

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curlyfries81 | 20:13 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | Travel
7 Answers

We're travelling a week tomorrow. Any current chaos we need to know about, such as massive queues to get through security? 



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You can now pre-book a slot, to get through security at Luton Airport quickly, free of charge:

A colleague travelled out of Luton (for a weekend break) on an early morning flight with Easyjet recently.  He said that it was difficult to locate the Easyjet check-in queue (which was one queue for all their flights) – a long queue.

Although he was checking-in for a 7am flight, others around him were checking-in for an 11am flight.


If parking at the long stay car park, make a note of where you are parked, otherwise you will spend hours searching for your car.


The last time I flew out of Luton (London) International Airport it was a dump – I suspect it still is.

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Thank you, both, for the useful information and, in particular, the useful link. I didn't know that facility existed. 

Hymie mentions long queues for easyJet check in. However most people check in on line, do I don't understand this.

Myself and several members of my family have flown easyJet out of Luton many times (though not very recently) and have never experienced any delays. 

Easy jet Portugal flight attendants striking this weekend so lots of flights to and from Portugal cancelled

Question Author

I checked in online too. I'm currently checked in to four flights with easyjet.


Calmck - going to the Canaries next week. Glad it's not Portugal.

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Luton Airport

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