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Good Morning Late Birds - Biame The Cat!!

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Smowball | 09:34 Sat 17th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

Awoken about 4.30am by a huge crash downstairs. Went down to find a very sheepish looking cat ( I have two) curled up in cat bed. Put light on to find that she had knocked over something that was an anniversary present two years ago - two elephants with their trunks intertwined - & they'd smashed into a thousand pieces. It was on the mantelpiece above  the fireplace & for the past 3 days she has bizarrely decided to keep jumping up there & sitting on the end, something she's never done before, & which I keep lifting her down when I see her as she just doesn't fit! Well, she's clearly tried it again whilst we were asleep! So by time I cleared up etc I meant to post but must have dozed off again..... 

Anyway, all sunshine here..... what's everyone plans for today?



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Morning, Smow.  No plans, just routine

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*blame the cat

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Good morning Barry - just a relaxing day then. Sounds good enough. How is your weather this morn? Sunshine I hope.

Morning, hope you are feeling fully recovered from your bug.  I'm another one without much planned for the day.  Probably doing some more clearing out, the bedding is out on the line so will have to iron that later.

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Morning ubasses, yes I'm almost there Thanku. I've also got washing to put out - the perfect drying weather! I've got a large parcel due today from Yodel (rolled eyes) so todays amusement will be to follow their app and track where they reckon it is, and later where they reckon they have delivered it lol. 

I used to iron my bedding for donkeys years Ubasses but stopped on the advice of my SIL about 10 years ago.  It looks no different after you've slept in it a night.  Try it!

It's bright but overcast here in the West Country and I'll be gardening today.

Morning Smow and everyone. A quiet day here as well and thankfully its a bit cooler. The swallows and martins were very busy yesterday evening, it will only be a few more weeks before they are off. I cant remember seeing any swifts inn the Uk, which is a shame cause I think they look incredible

Have a happy day y'all. Hope your parcel arrives ok smow

Good morning Smow and everyone, good to know you're on the mend Xx

oop ere in West Yorkshire very cloudy and just about holding off for a downpour it seems. 
oneself no plans as yet just rest and recoup after yesterday's footie.

have a lovely day folks whatever she may bring you 

Whilst in East Yorkshire it's a lovley sunny morning with just the hint of a breeze and 20C.
Morning Smow and all.
Nothing at all planned here, went to a wool shop in Patrington yesterday and topped up my stash a bit.
Had a nice cuppa, sausage roll and a cream scone in a little bakery/cafe there, then didn't want anything else till well gone tea time.
Today I'll just finish off a little prem baby cardi I'm making, then see what appeals to me to knit afterwards.
Have a good day all 😀

Good morning Smow and everyone else. Started off sunny here,(Wolverhampton), and now gone overcast. Good day for attacking the garden as not too hot, and my garden definitely needs it !!! Hope everyone has an enjoyable day.

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Well, Yodel have not only delivered on right day, but early - delivery slot was between 2-4pm, and in one piece! I may have to go and have a lie down lol! 

Good afternoon all.  I'm so pleased you're feeling better Smow.  You've had a rough time health-wise recently.

No excitements to report but we've just had the conservatory  "valeted" - the roof had a lot of moss along the struts - it's blindingly sparkling now.

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Good Morning Late Birds - Biame The Cat!!

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