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Bbc Quiz : Week 33

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Buenchico | 20:05 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
19 Answers

Good evening, once again!


A lousy start for me this week, with just TWO out of seven in the senior quiz:


Marginally better for me though, with THREE out of five, in the junior version:


Easy enough for you to beat, surely?



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Evening Chris.






The only positive thing you can take from my scores is that they could've been worse  ...!!


Hope this finds you well  ; )

Good Evening, Chris!

My scores tonight are 3/7, 4/5

Have been feeling a bit lost today as I have been without my car for most of the day while it went into the garage for a very expensive £600 repair. Then while putting washing machine on, there was a horrible bang and drum seemed to come away altogether. Looks like another large expense to replace it. Just hope, at this rate, I am not due a third! Why is it that winning money doesn't seem to come in threes? At least not for me. 

Wishing you and the terrific trio a wonderful and stress free week ahead :-)

Question Author

Good evening, Sam.

I was beginning to think that everyone had gone away on holiday!

I'm feeling much better about my own scores now, thank you 😊

I continue to 'struggle by', thanks.  I hope that you're well too!



Lots of guessing/process of elimination/stab in the dark 

4 and 3

2/7 v 1/7

3/5 v 5/5

That junior score was sheer guessing genius.





Question Author

Good evening, Pasta and Karamia.  

Well done on going into the joint lead!

You have my sympathy, Karamia, when it comes to expensive repairs.  It sounds like the exhaust is blowing on my car and, worryingly, the noise seems to be coming from the front (expensive) end of the exhaust system, rather from the (relatively cheap) back box.  So I suspect that I'll also be in line for a big bill very soon 😒

"Winning money"?  All I ever seem to win on the National Lottery is a free lucky dip and I can go for many months without even managing that 🙄

The Bonkers Bunch and I hope that you'll have a lovely week anyway!

Question Author

Another joint leader!

Well done, Scorpiojo!


Well done on proving that you're really just a great big kid at heart, Haras2!  Treat yourself to some extra time playing with your Barbie dolls (and maybe even a Sherbert Dip too!)

3 & 4 for me this evening

Question Author

Yet another joint leader (until Lie-in King comes along, no doubt!).

Well done, Toorak!

4/7 and 3/5.  For me that's better than usual.

I'm reeling!.............   6/7 and 4/5..... and only 2 guesses!!!

Hope everyone else is well, kitties and dogs too.  Think I'll head off to bed with an ice-pack......

5/7 & 3/5 - with a couple of guesses.

Question Author

Well done, Sandy!  At the time that you posted, you were in the joint lead!

However, as I predicted above, Lie-in King has done even better!  Well done, Lie-in King!

Jourdain2 has moved ahead of everyone else though, with two 'near perfect' scores this week!  WELL DONE, INDEED, JOURDAIN2!!!

5/7 - once again, not watching the Olympics cost me.

4/5 - another reason for my Dentist phobia!


Question Author

Well done, Ken!

Second place!

I didn't watch any of the Olympics either. 

I also hate dentists!



3/7,3/5. Nothing exciting happening this week, Puss Puss and Bailey sleeping peacefully, hope all is good with you and yours 

Question Author

Thanks for keeping Sam company, Kwillmott!


Better than me, anyway, Campbellking!

The Bonkers Bunch all seem to have gone into super-affectionate mode lately, with Chequers sleeping alongside me for hours on end, Tablo constantly demanding to be picked up (and to be fed cheese!) and Moonbeam seeking me out to use my jeans and trainers as scratching posts!

All the best to you and your feline friends for a wonderful week ahead!

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Bbc Quiz : Week 33

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