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Electric Council Vans On The Increase.

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dave50 | 16:37 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
8 Answers

All with a special paint job telling everyone how they are saving the planet. How much more do these vans cost compared to the traditional diesel equivalent? Did they do a costing over the life of the van or is it the usual public money no object virtue signalling? Typical councils who cant wait to jump on the latest fad.



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Next they will be complaining they are skint and need to close libraries and care homes.

They will be leasing them, probably getting a good deal

Probably not a good deal for the council tax payers though.  Our council put in 10 electric charging points in one of our car parks over 2 years ago and they still cannot be used as there is not enough power supply to be able to use them.  Also they have been fenced off so no one else can use the spaces and at least get some money coming in for them.  What a waste.

Diesel fumes are bad for the kids (and all of us). The less oil burners on the road the better, particularly in town streets where most council vans go.

Why not contact them and find out?

If they did a better job of collecting rent and council tax arrears maybe they could fill a few potholes.

A major plus is no more groups of vans sitting at the roadside with engines running to keep the artisans inside warm during their wearying workday.

I read in the Yorkshire post where Harrogate has a fleet of electric buses, but are having to charge them with a diesel generator because there isn't enough power available at the depot yet. Buses bought with a £2.5 million gov grant, and £1.7 from the bus company.

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