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Good Morning Early Sunday Birds!

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Smowball | 06:28 Sun 18th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
27 Answers

Woke up stupidly early this morning so have made a cup of tea & taken it back up to bed!

We bought 2 big water pistols called 'Super Soakers' on recommendation of many cat owners in another group as a suggestion to ward off. unwanted cats that keep coming into garden & scaring our two - just fire the water at them to try & ward them off. Anyway I was just sat here smiling to myself thinking what must the neighbours have thought if they could have heard me lastnight thru fence  talking to OH - "I've just filled both guns up & put one near back door & one round the corner, so that if I miss aim with the 1st one I'll just grab the 2nd one & shoot with that".....🤣. Honestly Officer youve got it all wrong, lol!

Hopefully you're all mostly still in the land of nod all nice & cosy : )






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Morning HW - yeh but I just fed cats and then snuck a cup back to bed and start nosing about on iPad lol

That sounds fun Smow 😸 Although mine wasn't keen on the idea of maybe being caught in the spray hose, she loved having a body shampoo in the sink!

Morning all. Our pooch hates all next doors cats and gives them short shrift. Its a bit of a shame as there is a lovely tortoiseshell who would love to come in to say hello. I love tortys, before we had  the dog we had  a beautiful torty who was over 20years old when she died 

I was really chuffed when I caught next door's cat with a blast from my garden hose.  It was flat down in my border creeping towards a Robin which was pecking for worms.  Cat shot straight through the air and out of my garden when I shocked it with the blast.  Don't dislike them until they try to kill our beautiful garden birds.

Oh and Good Morning All.

Good morning( just about!) one and all, II too woke up early and went back to sleep until 11am. I must have needed it. Lovely weather here and very peaceful.

If you have a cat problem and an outside tap, try looking at Pestbye website. It has a gadget that you attach to the tap and does the same as a water pistol. You may also have to buy a spliter to go onto the tap so you can still use it as normal with a hose. Worked for me, and during the night.

Good afternoon-ish...I used to use an adjustable plant mister on my deaf cat when he was really noisey. He thought it was a game and would go shooting back up the stairs...and then back down again. As if to say 'come on...I liked that!'

Good afternoon all. I could have sworn I posted a couple of hours ago.
Feeling sort of odd today, MrF used to describe it as 'feeling all anyhow". I know what he meant. Just can't settle to anything.
Overcast here though not cold at 19C currently.
No plans other than to sit and do a bit of prem baby knitting, can't even settle enough for that other than to do a couple of rows then put it down. I think I need a good kick up the derriere.
Hope everyone is having a good day so far 😀

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Good Morning Early Sunday Birds!

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