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Weird Quiz Team Name Wantedi

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noisynose | 14:44 Sun 18th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
35 Answers

I and 5 others are taking part in Village Quiz on Friday 13th

Given the date, we would like a Weird Wacky & Creepy Team Name 

So you inventive and imaginative guys,please get your thinking caps on a cone up with some suggestions?




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  The Coffin Dodgers

The Ghoulies ?

Question Author

and come up


The Jason Five Plus One - Jason as in Friday The 13th

If you want to a ghoulish name to annoy the quizmaster when he/she has to read out the scores, I suggest

" Ken Dodd's Dad's Dog's Dead "

Norfolk and Good.

The Canopic Jars

cunning stunts

Quizzly Bears

Question Author

Well,I thought of

"Gotcha by the Ghoulies" but we didn't think that might be allowed?

More please


Not creepy, but I once

had a work mate who was in a quiz team called

Nun on a penny farthing, virgin on the ridiculous,,,


The Sexy Six

without wishing to be rude but if the team consists of all ladies, how about the Night mares.

The dirty Half dozen?

Quiz Team Perfect. 

Given it's noisy, vulcan, seems unlikely.


"The Crystal Lake Slashers" ?

The Wacky Wizzards

Quizteamer Aguilera.


(OK, it doesn't fit the Friday 13th bit)

Question Author


Thanks for the great suggestion but Tim and Gordon(me)are male,the other 4 ARE ladies!


Ghouls R Us

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Weird Quiz Team Name Wantedi

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