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windywillow | 08:52 Sun 18th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
4 Answers

I am signed up to Pinterest and there are lots of jokes I'd like to read but I can only ever see the first half of the joke.

Can anyone tell me how to access the end of the joke, please?



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I've never read jokes on Pinterest.  But anytime I see something I like, there's an option to 'read it' if its an article, and 'save'. I should have thought it's the same for jokes.

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Thanks pasta, but the only options I get are hide pin, download image, report pin and boredpanda. None of them take me to the end of the joke.

I searched 'short funny jokes Pinterest ' this link below. Then I can click on each of those and read or I can save. I'm on an android tablet..I don't know if that makes a difference. In the second link you can see the 'save' button.

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Thanks for trying for me, pasta. I've just clicked your links and tried to 'save'. Got a message saying it was saved but for the life of me I cannot find where it has been saved.

I've checked out Pinterest on Trustpilot and see there a lot of complaints about it. I'm giving up on it as it's driving me bonkers. So annoying when you can only read the first half of a joke and then can't find the rest. ☹

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