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Weird Quiz Team Name Wantedi

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noisynose | 14:44 Sun 18th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
35 Answers

I and 5 others are taking part in Village Quiz on Friday 13th

Given the date, we would like a Weird Wacky & Creepy Team Name 

So you inventive and imaginative guys,please get your thinking caps on a cone up with some suggestions?




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Well folks,at the moment our short list is-Cauldron Coven


Hubble Bubble toil and Trouble

From the"Scottish"play by Shakespeare 

Any more suggestions will be very welcome!


The Ghouligans

"The Ghosts of Quiz Nights Past" 😱

the unlucky foursome?

Only here for the fear


Two men and some ladies.

See Men Four Women

Very good name, Douglas!

The six smarties 

The Great  Ghastly Ghoulies.

after the pop group ...unit four + two


Interested to know which team name you decided on, if any of these.🤔

Quizzers of Elm Street

Freddies Fiends

The Exorcists

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Weird Quiz Team Name Wantedi

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