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Bar Code

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JinnyJoan | 13:52 Mon 19th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

I just want to print a bar code to be used for collection.  As there is too much information on the email I don't want to print - how can I print the bar code on its own.

This is from my email.  Thanks



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snipping tool

Good afternoon,

Print the whole page and cut around the bar code


If you are using a computer you can press the print screen button and then use the mouse to select the part of the screen you want to print.

Paste it into a word document (press ctrl and V) and print.


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DDIL - dont want to use the little ink I have left so just want to print the bar code


Sparkly - where is the snipping tool - I am not very techie

Are you on a Windows pc, your Fire tablet or something else?

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I did control and c and the whole page is covered but when I print on a plain page - the words all come in except the bar code.  Anyway there are letters underneath the bar code would that do for the collection from a local store.  Thanks

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windows Barry on my big computer 

Can you use mouse to highlight and  then right click to copy just the barcode from the email and paste this onto a new word document? Then you could print this.

Question Author

got the bar code to print after all - don't ask me how but thanks for all your answers

Glad you've done it

//Sparkly - where is the snipping tool - I am not very techie//

Just as help for the future, if you dont know where something is then hit the Windows key and start typing, in this case SNIP.  Workds for many other things like bluetooth or sound.  

Try it, you wont break anything.

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Bar Code

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